18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi


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Today's name, Flora, is one I would have guessed would be more popular, but there were only 113 baby girls with this name born in 2010. It was last on the charts in 1972. It seems F- names in general are not very popular, as even Francesca, which ranked at #494 in 2010, only had 600 births that year.

Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers and spring, is Latin, meaning "flower," and its spelling is one letter away from "floral," making it undeniably feminine and flowery, yet it can more more womanly than girlish, as I think it would age well. Flora doesn't make you think of vain pretty-girls who wear floral prints, it somehow makes you think of a traditional, nurturing woman who is kind. Also, what better name for a springtime baby?

I'm not a big fan of nicknames for Flora, which usually include Flo, Flor, and Flossie, so I suggest getting creative. Not all nicknames have to be a shortened version of the full name. Her nickname could very well be Flower or Florie. Famous namesakes include Flora Tristan, a socialist/writer/feminist, and Flora MacDonald, a Scottish folk hero, and a Spanish saint of 851 whose name day is November 24. It definitely has vintage appeal.

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